Monday, May 18, 2020

Message #30 for 2020

Bonjour Friends,
One of the many gifts of mindful living is that each day, each moment is a new one, a new you!
While Yesterday, we might have been caterpillars crawling in the dirt, Now, we might as well be butterflies flying up in the sky.
Consciousness changes Perception, changes Destiny, changes the World!
Love & Light Always, Ilanit.
IC by Ilanit
C Life through a spiritual I

Message #29 for 2020

Bonjour Friends,
Most of my life, I've had the tremendous gift to interact with people and the world on a profound and emotional level. Whether it brought me to tears, or it happily elevated me to a higher plane of existence, one thing became clear overtime: Everything and Everyone is part of the most vivid masterpiece.
With time, understanding, and connection to our hearts and souls, we come to realize that both 'lights & shadows' help define each one of us.Therefore, all that is left for us to enjoy the big picture is to surrender to the vision of The Great Master, and allow our eyes to see all the beauty there is.
Love & Light Always, Ilanit.
IC by Ilanit
C life through a spiritual I

Message #28 for 2020

Bonjour Friends,

Once, 'We the people' will realize how limitless is the universe within ourselves, and will focus delving into it, there will be no need to run all around the world like chickens without heads or hearts filled with hate, greed or any other ailment.
Indeed, we'll soon experience peace, abundance and protection from all types of enemies, and a perfect union with the ultimate source of all divine blessings.
The time is Now!
Awaken, Unlock, Thrive to Be Happy, Strong and Healthy.
Use your Free will, That's your Destiny.
Love & Light Always, Ilanit.
IC by Ilanit
C life through a spiritual I

Message #27 for 2020

Bonjour Friends,
By elevating our counsciousness, and tapping into the power of the mind (nourished by love, always!!!!), we can eventually access the creativity of our soul and limitless force of the divine. And, therefore, raise above the limitations of our senses to create a new reality for humanity where fulfillement is Endless.
Delving into such teachings, actually reveals that the ultimate cause of chaos or dis-eases is separation and lack of harmony.
Moreover, strenghtening our immune system is about re-injecting a flowing peace and interconnectivity between the three instances (body, mind & spirit) within ourselves and with others, and the world.
IMMUNITY, It's about reclaiming:" I'm Unity" aka LOVE.
Love & Light Always, Ilanit
IC by Ilanit
C life through a spiritual I

Message #26

Bonjour Friends,
Doesn't it seem that things were much simpler before, when we didn't have such easy access to loads of 'mis'information?
Good/Bad, Healthy/ Unhealthy, Real/Fake, Truth/Lies...???
Today, the line between opposite forces have become greatly blurry and confusing.
In this mixed multitudes mess, what has been left unadulterated?
What can we remain certain about?
When we are roaming in a world where we don't know anymore what or who to trust, what to or not to do? Is there anything left that can protect us and save the world?
From the beginning, through it all, til the end,(whatever the end really mean),LOVE is the everlasting unifying agent that we can still access freely, (assuming we haven't sacrificed this divine attribute, on some strange altar).
Reality might have turned into being a complete illusion, but ....
As long as I can Love, I have faith in my dream: The Light will shine!
Love & Light Always, Ilanit
IC by Ilanit
C life through a spiritual I

Message #25

Bonjour Friends,

This week, kids and families all around 'homes/schools', are invited to use their creative mind to express gratitude for their teachers (which also extend to other people who influence their lives in a positive way). Doing so with my youngest daughter, actually reminded me of "The Letter writer", a movie I greatly enjoyed watching few years ago. A story reminding us, how a simple note filled with words of encouragement, love and kindness, even given to a stranger, can affect someone's life far beyond words!
For years, I have been blessed to receive messages to inspire others, which truly has no price.
Moreover today,I thought was a beautiful day to shout out a little louder than usual: Thank You, or as I would say Bachuch Hachem!
It might be also an auspicious time, for whoever feels incline to it, to express gratitude, love or support by extending it to someone who might tremendously need it, at this time.
Wishing for each one of you, to know that you matter, you are cherished and loved.
So, be strong and let your unique and beautiful light shine.
Love & Light Always, Ilanit
IC by Ilanit
C life through a spiritual I

Message #24 for 2020

Bonjour Friends,
As I enter this deep thinking state, wherever it takes me, I become aware that I have a choice on what Light or vibration, I project back.
I remember the divine power bestowed upon me :" As above so below, As within so without". Through me, both become one.
Love & Light Always, Ilanit.
IC by Ilanit
C life through a spiritual I

Message #23

Bonjour Friends,

If you're reading this message, I have a great feeling that you are a 'Warrior of Light' in your own right. Moreover, who better than you know 'darkness'?! You've been through it, were surrounded by it...and yet, you managed to overcome and rise above it!
Once, twice, then so more, again! Your faith and strength, kept on growing just when you thought, that this time, you were drowning.
Our challenges and pains have become our gifts! Let's not hold onto them but share them with others. Awakening the power that each and everyone has inside. We are Light, Let it shine, Illuminating the world, with...
Love & Light Always, Ilanit.
IC by Ilanit
C life through a spiritual I

Message #22 for 2020

Bonjour Friends,

Much like the last scene of a romantic movie- When the camera zoom into the couple kissing in a disappearing crowd,... Finally united after facing so many challenges- We shall be.
In this chaotic world, we all must learn to focus our heart's attention on the good that exist in people and the world, so it will expand to the all picture, and turn into the 'Happy End' we are all looking for.
Love & Light Always, (Now & Forever), Ilanit
IC by Ilanit
C life through a spiritual I.

Message #21 for 2020

Bonjour Friends,

No matter how lost we feel, as long as we remain connected to our inner GPS (God Particle System), and keep on sprinkling our crumbs on the path, we'll return Home.
Life is a Journey,
Negative feelings come and go..
Believe with Certainty
The Light will brighten the dark....
...The whole world in Love & Awe.
May, we all experience Total Healing, Unity NOW!!!
Love & Light Always, Ilanit.
IC by Ilanit
C life through a spiritual I

Message #20 for 2020

Bonjour Friends,
Few months ago, I received some news that could have kept me devastated til this day....However, after some initial "Kicks and Shouts" and all kind of 'contained' freestyle reactive moods & moves, I allowed the wind to steer me in a different direction.
What had changed? I remembered. (Prayers from my friends & family surely helped a lot).
In this world, I might not always have a say of what is happening to me (and little piece of advice here: Don't even try to analyze it! It might just send you on an endless free guilt ride), but...
I can choose how I respond to it!
Now, because we are all connected, my choice of reaction won't be in vain, It will affect lives in a positive way, rather than a negative one. And, I'm sure that counts!
Personally, as far as I can remember, I had made an internal commitment to be a beacon of the Light Force, therefore: How could I be a cause of pain, especially to the people I love the most?!
Also, I like to think of myself, (all of you can too!) as some kind of warrior, who will never stop til The Light is On! Moreover, I just couldn't give up!

Today's fight is sneaky physically, but spiritually the choice between "Fear & Love" is still at our reach!
Friends even in death, Love is the answer, and as it was so emotionally said by Patrick Swayze's character in the movie 'Ghost' as he was departing this world, "It's Amazing, The Love take it with you!"

Love & Light Always, Ilanit.
IC by Ilanit
C life through a spiritual I

Message #19 for 2020

Bonjour Friends,

WARNING!!! This message is longer and deeper than usual, however, I am URGING You to read through it, and SHARE it with as many.
As you may know, I often talk about The Power of Words.
From the time of creation, we know that:"Words have the power to build or destroy".
Now.... Did you know about the intersect relationship between words and numbers?
Early on in my life, I was exposed (acknowledgement to my Rabbi's dad here) and later initiated in that secret coded language aka: Gmatria or Kabbalistic Numerology.
The use of Gmatria, is ancient, yet so relevant and powerful to bring deep teachings and understandings, by looking deeply into the vibrations/numbers of words/names.
So, the other night while involve in a spiritual study, when I had a 'whispering thought' inviting me to look into 'COVID-19', my first reaction was:"Of course! (Why haven't I thought about it?!) followed once I did by: "I can't believe it!"
Now, before going into it,I'd like to make it clear, that there is always an unknown dimension of what is the ultimate divine thought, and most importantly, it will never erase the fact that too many lives have been lost and so many at risk, (which we should cry and pray for in our hearts), but such a gleam of light, might show us what to do, so it never happens again! So,stick around, together we are stronger and as my beloved teacher always said:"When we turn on the Light, Darkness disappear!"

#1 COVID (3+6+3+9+4= 25/7) Now, is a time of reflection, to look within, re-asset, reconnect and ask: Who Are We? Why am We here? How can We contribute to this world and fulfill our spiritual purpose and destiny?
#2 19/10/1 This combination tells us: there was abuse of power, many got lost in the 'Me', and so the wheel of life must turn, our egos must shrink (yud/10 being the smallest of the letters) to bring us back to the one. We can be leader or anything we dream to be, only if we remember who is the source behind it, and why and how we are doing it?!
#3 COVID-19, we can look at it in different ways, which nonetheless tells one story. (25+1=26, 7+10=17,25+19=44, 7+1=8)
The darkest hours precede the brightest revelations of light, (17=Tov/good),A promise that things would eventually be good, sooner than later if we keep on pushing. By making an internal switch, we will be able to rebuilt on stronger foundation(44/8) rooted in a spiritual AWAKENING. ONE with another, ONE with THE LIGHT, which coincidentally?!? most known and powerful name is the Tetagrammaton, Gmatria: 26 (also found in the 1/Aleph, the one letter told to stand tall at the end of the world as we know it, when we will all come in total UNITY.

Love & Light Always, Ilanit.

@ IC by Ilanit
C life through a spiritual I

Message #18

Bonjour Friends,
A few years ago, one beautiful spring morning,I was with my youngest daughter by the pool of my community when I witnessed this heartbreaking scene (at least that's how it felt for me). Two young man, visibly on vacation, were basking under the Floridian sun, sipping a drink and talking.
What's wrong with that?
Although, everything seems to describe a great moment of connection, none of them ever looked at the scenery or worst at each other, sitting side by side their eyes were riveted on their phones, in a scrolling fever!
Today, we have been asked to observe 'social distancing', and technology has become for many the only way to connect with others, isn't it an irony?
Well...As we have learned: To rise up , we often need to touch the bottom ground!
May 'Tomorrow', see us AWAKEN, more grateful and aware of what's matter! In togetherness, One with The Light!
Love & Light always, Ilanit.
@ IC by Ilanit
C life through a spiritual I

Message #17 for 2020

Bonjour Friends,
As far as I can remember, words of wisdom have been fueling my spirit. Whether, I heard, read, channeled, meditated, sang or shared them, they always seems to have the ability to help me get to the place where my soul, like the sun always shine.
Nonetheless, because other words are also playing in our heads, it becomes a conscious learning exercise to have repetitive positive exposure in order to overthrow the side effect of the negative ones.
Indeed, thoughts and negative words would rise, but being mindful, and spiritually fit, will allow us to observer them without being overthrown by it!
In this human experience, we have, and still will experience, 'Thunders and Storms", but above the darkest clouds, The Light is, and will always shine!
Love & Light always, Ilanit.
IC by Ilanit
C life through a spiritual I

Message #16 for 2020

Bonjour Friends,
We might have not seen it that way initially, but the reality is: Our world is at war.
Now, Beware! Even though we have a name for our oppressor, the more hidden side of this enemy has been lurking in the shadows, for much longer.
Today, whenever you see and reflect on the viruses that have afflicted our spirits: All the hate & separation, disdain of compassion & kindness, over consummation, lack of spirituality & faith in the divine, absence of care and empathy, egoistic behavior making us believe that we know it all, that we are the one in charge, and that we can do everything and anything we want... See that we are now given the greatest opportunity to transform it. As we have learn, the vaccine is extracted from the disease. More practically, remember:
This war we are facing has two fronts: Physical & Spiritual.
While some have been chosen to channel how to handle and solve the first , all of us are warriors in the second aka: 'The War of Consciousness'!
And in that aspect, the antidote is pretty clear: Stay put, connect with the great beyond through nature and breath, and have faith that when we move ourselves metaphysically, in the right direction, together we will turn darkness into Light!
Love & Light Always, Ilanit.
IC by Ilanit
C life through a spiritual I