Saturday, October 28, 2017

Message of the day #82 10/17

Bonjour Friends,

Something beautiful and greatly meaningful. often happens after a soul departs from this world. 
We, the ones who stay, will suddenly realize that their 'imperfections' are what made them so unique, and down the road the things we will remember with a smirk on our faces.
Furthermore, let's remember, right here right now, that the word 'Imperfection' actually spells: "I'm Perfection", for everyone and everything is perfect in its own way. 
@ &
C life through a spiritual I

Love & Light Always, Ilanit.

Message of the day #81 10/14

Bonjour Friends,

In our modern days, thanks to 'The Internet", everyone can now easily visualize the idea of being connected.
However, this is so yesterday!
Today, is the time to realize that we are all connected on a much deeper level. 
Indeed, if you feel that your stress level is skyrocketing, way more than what it should ( if you pragmatically look at the challenges of your life) you got a test of what I am talking about! For whatever happens in the world, happens to you!
Good news though, the reverse is true!
Therefore, each single day find ways to go out of yourself, increase the joy, love & gratitude from within, not only you will feel better but the world will too! &
C life through a spiritual I

Love & Light Always, Ilanit.

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Message of the day #80 10/17

Bonjour Friends,

When you first heard the story of Aladdin, were you the type of person thinking: "If I was him, I would ask, as my first and only wish, to be granted an unlimited amount of wishes?!"
Spiritual people understand that by focusing on tapping into the unseen power of The Light Force of the Universe, all their needs and wishes would be fulfilled.. 
Indeed, Spiritual and Physical realms, are like an object and its shadow: know how to move one, the other will naturally follow. &
C life through a spiritual I

Love & Light Always, Ilanit.

Message of the day#79 10/17

Bonjour Friends,

The road to enlightenment is paved with tricks. 
When one become obsessive with spiritual matters as some are with physical ones, he might forget what is the initial & final purpose for this quest: 
Spiritual knowledge and practice are only a vehicle!
Happiness & Unity through Love is the Ultimate Destination!!! &
C life through a spiritual I

Love & Light Always, Ilanit.

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Message of the day

Bonjour Friends,

I am a Medium.
And, so are You!
From the moment we are born, each and everyone of us develops their own special set of 'gifts', that will affect their surroundings (near, far & beyond) and themselves.
Realizing the depth of this understanding, we must ask ourselves: from which end of the spectrum do we get our 'inspirations' and how will it affect our world?
Much like focusing onto the center of this mandala, focus your attention on the thoughts that comes to your mind and see your capacity to choose what to express (or not) expand. &
C life through a spiritual I

Love & Light Always, Ilanit.

Message of the day

Bonjour Friends,

Many have compared 'this world' to 'a dream', saying that when our higher self will be completely awaken and reconnected to Its Source, Everything will become clear. Yet, we all know that some dreams can make us feel off even after realizing that we were only sleeping! Then, what should we do?
Be kind. Even when our brain feels foggy.
Love. Even when our heart is breaking, and...
Have Certainty. This dream of Total Unity, will come true! &
C life through a spiritual I

Love & Light Always, Ilanit

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Message of the day

Bonjour Friends,

As the years go passing by, do life seems more simple or complex? Does spiritual teachings making you feel more serene or does your brain gets more and more acute to the paradoxes surrounding us? 
Much like the cat in this picture (who is going up ...or down?), our senses as we grow (hopefully wiser) are challenged to new levels.
Then, what is the One constant variable to remain Certain in the face of all the illusions? 
LOVE! Where we share our heart soulfully, Light is and forever will be! &
C life through a spiritual I

Love & Light Always, Ilanit.

Message of the day

Bonjour Friends,

Consciously or subconsciously, who can say that they don't want a taste of such a bliss?
Even Mr & Mrs "Average Joe & Jane", most likely desire a perfect 'Average Life"!
Same is true, for spiritual people, which ultimate goal is to attain personal and global perfection on Earth.
Yet, how often do we resemble the hamster in his wheel chasing after this dream?
How many times does 'something new' is thrown at us when we almost had it 'under control"?
The reason for that is simple: the perfection we are after is external when, in reality, PERFECTION is in an internal state of being, achieved when we are able to remain steady, peaceful, and loving no matter how things looks on the outside! &
C life through a spiritual I

Love & Light Always, Ilanit.

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Message of the day

Bonjour Friends,

Want to feel Energized? 
The formula is simple:
Share All of your Mass,(spiritual, emotional and corporal with your world). As your Love/ Light expands, your strength will exponentially increase to transform any situations into new levels of excitement. &
C life through a spiritual I

Love & Light Always, Ilanit.

Message of the day

Bonjour Friends,

When each day becomes 'another day', when we keep on living over on over the same robotic routines, same fights, same old grudges...We cancel our right to experience:" A new day, A new life!" 
Looking to break free & soar with 'The Light'?
Let's open up our heart by living with gratitude 'The Gift of Now' &
C life through a spiritual I

Love & Light Always, Ilanit.