Bonjour Friends
Earlier this week, as I was starting the process of "downloading" my new post, asking my inner self/ Light's guidance, what should be the content for this week? A conversation I had recently with one of my friends came back to me.
As he was complimented me on my work, He said something that caused a strange, nevertheless, meaningful reaction.
"You surely are going to receive amazing insight this week " He said. Considering the high level of energy available in the air ! (According to kabbalah, this month is known as the seed level for the all year)
As I answered a yes, I realized that I could hear simultaneously a doubtful voice whispering to my ears: " So far things have been good, and you have been pretty "inspired" though tomorrow might be another story, empty of enlightenment."
What an awful thought.
I knew, it couldn't be possible!
Yet, I suddenly understood that often this type of thoughts is the reason which put us down without the energy to make it happen! (whatever it is that we need to make happen).
In one hand, we dream of an happy life, yet in another, we too often believe the voice that says:"it's too good to be true".
Furthermore, how do we reverse our internal psychology from doubt to certainty ?
(Since certainty is the number one step to transform our reality !)
1-We need to change our believes and the way we express ourselves.
Does it sound familiar to you, sentences such as? I hope, I wish, Maybe...
From this day forwards, we need to say: I know...!
The etymology of "to know" is "Sophia or wisdom".
In ca 360 BC, Plato and others philosophers of his generation believed that "Humans" were the product of an infinite force that gave us the soul and half-gods (Demiurges) that fabricate the body.
The work of a philosopher was to rise above the confusion that caused the body to get back in touch or "becomes a friend" with the supernal wisdom (Sophia).
2-In that process, to of seeing or hearing the truth, we need to act with certainty and excitement, knowing that there is a solution.
If life is like a video game, where each one of us is the hero of his own story fighting against cataclysms.
Let's then remember:
1-The creator of that game, made those challenges "to entertain us"as we become a superhero.
2-There is always a solution, which he desires for us to find, so this game will be played by many.
Take on your remote.
Know, there is an exit.
Keep playing.
Until you find it !
Sincerely, Ilanit
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