Bonjour Friends
Today, I would like to start with a story, which is going to be the heart of the personal insight, I would like to share with you this week.
The following events are directly coming out of my life, yet in order to respect the privacy of the protagonists, it became a mixed of different similar stories that happen in my journey as an intuitive.
About few weeks ago, I received a phone call from this person (a friend of "A Friend") that wish to meet with me for a reading.
I first explained my worked( goal, consciousness...), which is kind of different than going to any regular psychic and make sure that we are on the path.
As I always say:"I am not here to feed the instant need of "knowing" of a person, I am more like a cook that awakens people's abilities to prepare their own special dish(Of course, you always have people that just want some fast food/ answers)
Nevertheless... My vision is about helping people to see the big picture and to learn that there is a system that will take us to a nourishing place if we learn to work with it.
It's about knowing why we're here, what we need to learn and transform to become a better self and yes! All along fulfilling our destiny.
So far, after those explanations, we seem to agree! I would read the map, she would drive the car!
Looking at my schedule though, I probably won't be able to meet with her before 3 weeks.
It is apparently too long, that person wants to meet as soon as possible !
I agree to call her back if there is any change in my schedule.
A week passed then a second start, at that point I don't think I would meet earlier than the following week, but then on the Tuesday (of the second week), I got a phone call , one of my Thursday meetings needs to reschedule.
As soon as I hang up, I call this friend to let her know that I have an opening.
I dialed the number, yet get transferred to the voice mail, as I record a message, my inner voice is telling me that something happened, the person somehow is now scared of "knowing" and changed her mind.
Days passed, no calls back!
Over the week-end, I meet our mutual friend and got my intuition confirmed. She backed out!
Living a spiritual life requires to switch our consciousness and to take responsibilities. It also invites us to see ourselves through honest eyes, and wanting to change.
Ultimately, both need to be worked on simultaneously ! And it's not always easy.
Our ego (fears to change, to let go, to forgive...) will make sure to prevent us from that transformation.
As unbelievable as it is, this parasite within us wants us to stay in our chaos rather than change !
Are we going to let this happen? Of course not!
Then, you are ready for the last chapter of my story.
As I was feeling really sorry for that person that let her fears took over, the Light was turned on again!
See...Time in the process of transformation is the answer.
As it said:" People avoid change until the pain of remaining the same is greater than the pain of changing".
This week, I got a phone call, my "new friend" wants to meet with me.
She knows how much she is scared to let go of her"addiction" as she says, but she also knows that it's inevitable if she really wants to connect to the Light and her true self.
Knowing is the first step of changing !
Have a beautiful week
Sincerely, Ilanit
WOW! Working with others Light is like a symphony. Each instrument needs to be in tune so that the melody can emit and emote the true harmony of Life. The Conductor acts as the lightning rod, grounding the massive bolt of Light and channeling it to the audience at a level where they can accept it. Great Work Light Worker!