Bonjour Friends
From running around tables to activate a protection shield for the whole year, to a run around town to recollect and glue back sparks of light lost in time, for different Friends (and myself also).
It has been quite a week!
Endurance never been so perfectly embodied physically, mentally and spiritually in my life.
During days like this, I am feeling so blessed about my past that provided me with challenging experiences, tremendously helpful today.
As time is passing by, I understand more clearly than certain events of my life transformed me without having to think about it!
At the same occasion, they also gave me the freedom to focus more on others now with something to share (not only from the mind but from the heart) .
I don't know for you ? Suddenly, I really felt from inside out a change of energy in the cosmos the last few days:
As pressures go higher, it seems that unachievable goals are getting closer !
And here goes for the whole paradox of life ! The same way than a scientist is making vaccines by extracting the antidote from the virus itself, we get the materiel to do it too!
Nothing like facing a good challenge to make us grow and change and hopefully get vaccinated !
Unfortunately, we can say, all the love and sugar coating of the world won't achieve what a challenge will, and that is a fact !
Nevertheless, it's up to us to change this truth.
It's our call to choose the easy way rather than the hard one.
How ? You may ask. By practicing perseverance at every level and going for the extra mile!
Making ourselves "uncomfortable" rather than letting the universe doing it for us.
For each one of us, it will of course mean something different. So let's...
1- Look for our area to improve and/ or restrict.
2- Stretch and challenge ourselves.
3- Keep practicing, since it the way to get perfect.
During this time, we should not pay attention to a certain voice that will try to convince us : what all this effort for ?!
My friends,
it's time to believe in ourselves, beyond the surface we are made in the likeness of the purest and endless light.
As it says: And Man and Women were made at His own image. He then looked around and saw that everything was good/whole(ly) !
Love and Light always, Ilanit
As always, your words and counseling reaches us exactly on time ! Thank You for sharing with us all of your insights. Love you a ton ! Michele