Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Message #32 August 2019

Bonjour Friends,

Because one of the fundamental human need is to live in a unified tribe, most of us desire to be surrounded with close one who preferably resonates with the same vibration as ours.
However, as good our intentions are to help them get 'there', we need to be sensitive to others's free will and process:
There is no coercion in spirituality! 
Food for the soul, on the topic:
1- Be mindful of the way we care for our garden of flowers.
2-Allow time and space for them to grow.(unless they're putting themselves or someone else's is danger)
3- Trust that they are on their way, just like each one of us (we might think we got ahead faster, when it actually has been lifetimes at work)
4-Above all, Love Unconditionally!

Love & Light always,Ilanit.
C life through a spiritual I

Message #31 August 2019

Bonjour Friends,
There is nothing wrong about falling. On the contrary, it is often the step that comes before us flying. 
So, remember:Stay centered, stay focus, keep on breathing, you are doing amazing!
Love & Light Always, Ilanit @www.facebook.com/ICbyIlanit
C life through a spiritual I

Message #30 August 2019

Bonjour Friends,
By essence, water is to ever share its life force and goodness wherever it flows. 
However, as we sadly know, when this natural state is challenged,either by becoming stagnant or overflowing, it can become toxic or destructive to life. In our own body, such is also true.
Therefore, one component to maintain healthy, is to make sure to always be moving and sharing in a balanced and positive spirit so the water within will always be whol(ly physically and spiritually.
Love & Light always, Ilanit.
C life through a spiritual I

Message #29 august 2019

Bonjour Friends,
There was once a Great Master who used to walk all day with a rock he had placed in his shoe.Why he was asked?
"A little discomfort can be of great value: A reminder to appreciate overlooked blessings such as been able to walk and moreover a powerful motivator to always push ourselves to keep those blessings given freely to us".
Love & Light Always, Ilanit @www.facebook.com/ICbyIlanit
C life through a spiritual I

Message #28 August 2019

Bonjour Friends,
To steadily pedal forward enlightenment, one must be sure to always have 'a well oiled chain to his bike'. In life, one of the most efficient place (if not the only) to exercise our free will, is in the choice of people we surround ourselves with:
Be conscious of who you share with and who you learn from.
Love & Light always, Ilanit.
C life through a spiritual I

Message #27 August 2019

Bonjour Friends,
In yoga, there is a beautiful practice referred as 'None Judgment'. While holding a pose, one commit to not have any particular judgment/ attachment to the feelings he has, such as: "I like / don't like this move, It feels good or not, I can't wait to be over or not..."
When we can stand still and centered, focusing on our breathe, nothing can shake us. Whatever wind blows right now , It shall pass!
Love & Light Always, Ilanit @www.facebook.com/ICbyIlanit
C Life through a spiritual I

Message #26 August 2019

Bonjour Friends,
Are you one of those people who have an internal ongoing dialogue with: The Light/ God/ The Universe?
Yet, have you experienced moments when your questions were unanswered and you felt 'left alone'?
Chances are, you made one of the most common mistake most people do (Yes! even the connected ones.) 
You forgot to use your words/ voice / tears to dial the Source Out Loud. According to my own experience, as soon as you rectify the situation, the answer will be close by!
We are spiritual beings who live in a physical world, and part of our journey is to learn the many beautiful subtlety how both worlds work together.
Love & Light Always, Ilanit
C life through a spiritual I

Message #25 August 2019

Bonjour Friends,

Perception can change Everything. 
Light at the end of the tunnel ? Or right at the center of it?
Are we indefinitely walking toward The light and out of The darkness? Or extracting, at each moment, The Light within the darkness? From the time of creation Darkness and Light are bond together, it's our consciousness that determines what our eyes see. causing what we feel, and our response thereality we are creating.
In my personal journey, I have discovered that life feels happier when you shine your light onto others, in that moment darkness disappears and a feeling of being whole replaces it. When two halves come together with love, now they are One.
My heart is filled with gratitude for all of you, who have crossed my path over the years and places. each words channeled have hopefully made The Light feel closer, it certainly always feel that way for me.
Love & Light Always, Ilanit
IC by Ilanit
C life through a spiritual I

Love & Light Always, Ilanit.

Message #24 August 2019

Bonjour Friends,

'I am feeling stuck!" How many times have you heard this expression or said it yourself?
is it that we are unsure where to go? Or just too scared? Either way, nothing is worst than inertia!.
When you catch yourself in that state of mind, here is my personal advise: Observe that feeling: Regroup your energy by taking a deep breathe in, and make a decision by jumping into something new. It doesn't have to be 'grand', a new class, a one time event...! To not be in stagnant waters, moving energy is essential to restore flow in our lives. So, take a leap of faith and see the transformation just like a frog turns into Prince!
C life through a spiritual I

Love & Light Always, Ilanit.

Message #23 August 2019

Bonjour friends,

The spiritual growth of a person, in many ways reminds me of the game 'Super Mario'. With every game we learn new tricks and understand better how to get to the next level, each fall takes us closer to a time of mastery and saving 'The Princess' is actually a perfect allegory of reaching our beautiful higher self/soul.
Keeping our eyes on the goal while having fun collecting coins or fighting dragons is the key to fulfill our mission and bring lasting fulfillment in our lives and for all. 
C life through a spiritual I

Love & Light Always, ilanit.

Monday, June 17, 2019

Message #22 06/2019

Bonjour friends,

Sometime, one might start having negative feelings toward another, for they feel 'Rudely ignored' by them, when that same person actually happens to be in a lot of pain. 
Feelings, like dreams can sometimes guide us or trick us. so just in case you care ask: "How are you feeling?" 
A little kindness can go a long way!
C life through a spiritual I

Love & Light Always, ilanit.

Message #21 06/2019

Bonjour Friends,

Much like the hatching of a butterfly, 'The spiritual awakening' of a human being can be challenging to say the least, yet necessary it seems in order to be able to fly.
Now, we can identify two types of scenario:
1- The soul try to come thru by making one's feel inadequate, misunderstood, off in its own skin...to force us to seek answers.
2- The Universe creates circumstances, spinning us around like a laundry machine, to pretty much cause the same feelings and reaction.
In both cases, the process to see and understand what is happening, to hear the scream of our 'True' more elevated self who wants to come out might even lead us toward a path of self destruction:
If you are this person or know someone showing theses signs, I Urge You: Don't give up and reach out to others who have been there! What you are bond to find, even though the game will still be on is: True greatness and Endless possibilities to be who you were always meant to be: A shinning spark of the Divine!
C life through a spiritual I

Love& Light Always, Ilanit.

Message #20 06/2019

Bonjour friends,

It might come a time, when even the most devoted and fearful warriors are in need of help. It actually said that The Light Force allows challenges to befall upon his beloved ones, so to hear their heartfelt prayers and therefore bestow upon the world an outpouring of blessings under their names. There is no shame or weakness asking for support,just another opportunity to be channels of the divine.
C life through a spiritual I

Love & Light Always, Ilanit.

Message #19 06/2019

Bonjour Friends,

Humbling note to self: "We all live and die some each day spent on this plan". And, while we don't exactly have control over how long? We can choose how well?
The secret is to not be afraid of either one or the other and live animated by this divine consciousness that makes each day matter, which will instantly connect us to the infinity. 
C life through a spiritual I

Love & Light always, Ilanit.

Message #18 06/2019

Bonjour friends,

Some spiritual beings, might 'lose their mind' when facing an enormous challenge, while some might show a bravery and calmness never seen before. As sparks of The Light Force, we are not here to judge anyone's reactions. Our job is to share our love to support their journey and help illuminate their path. 
C life through a spiritual I
Love & Light Always, ilanit.

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Message #16 05/2019

Bonjour Friends,

Every human being, who has walked the Earth - including you and me- Trying to navigate life using a spiritual compass, knows that the journey is filled with ups & downs, twists & turns and so many paradox in between. In the light of the latest days/years, one reminder is essential: When the darkest night is surrounding us,trying to swallow us like nothing, when 'Human- digni-ty' is in decline, the antidote is found at the heart of the disease: Don't lock yourself physically or emotionally , for is what causes madness in the first place, Indeed: Open your heart, look at others in the eyes, the window of the soul and see yourself!!! Lend a hand to others, Love & Unity is one and the same, the key to our salvation and ultimate freedom and fulfillment.
C life through a spiritual I

Love & Light Always, Ilanit.

Message #15 05/2019

Bonjour Friends,

Something external doesn't please us, and all our ourselves is now reacting to fix/ (re)move it from our lives. What a waste of energy and time! We can't stop forces is in motion from the outside, we need to look at the program and crack the code from the inside.
NB: The more you bring in 'Light', the more clarity you'll have.
C life through a spiritual I
Since my teen years, I have trained to do just that by sharing 'Love & Light ' insights.
Curious to know more? Ask me how I can serve you? And/or feel free to share the personal experiences we shared in the past.
Love & Light Always, Ilanit.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Message #14 04/2019

Bonjour Friends,

Although, we all have experienced that there is always one thing coming after the next, subconsciously most live their life with an underlying desire : why can't I get to that final stage of fulfillment already?
The key to experience great joy and remove this lingering feeling of 'Are we there yet?!" is to heartfully appreciate that life in an ongoing journey that keeps on giving. If you are given 'a present' each day, why would you want it to end?
C life through a spiritual I

Love & Light Always, Ilanit.

Message #13 04/ 2019

Bonjour Friends,

n regard to their relationship to chaos , we can recognize '4 colors personality'
1-The ones who no matter what, have it worst than anybody else. Trying 
to awaken gratitude and positive mindset by showing them what others might experience won't do. Black is black! No change to that.
2- The ones who can put things in prospective but can't be lifted yet! Gray is still a shade of black.
3- The ones who can with some love and support see that not everything is so dark. After all gray can become white
4- Finally the ones that always see The Light no matter how difficult things are. The pain of the world drives them out of the dark and bath into The Light!
Some challenges are tougher than some others, but consciousness is everything, it's up to us to transform Darkness into Light!.
C life through a spiritual I

Love & Light Always, Ilanit.

Monday, March 25, 2019

Message #12 03?2019

How do we remove darkness in the world? It has been said so many times in so many ways, that: 'To change the world we must change ourselves"
Moreover, in order to do so, it becomes obvious that we must first delve deeper in the understanding of what darkness is? Obviously, the grand majority of us aren't murdered, rapist, despot, thieves... So it is fair to ask what darkness within us can we change to affect the darkness existing outside? 
On that subject, many have talked about transforming our own short tempers such as: Anger, Jealousy, Addictions, Sadness, Fears... but in reality there is another level of darkness we don't address enough: The hidden darkness! The one that causes us to sabotage ourselves over and over again!
Let's think about it for a moment in all honesty.
How many out there keep on (subconsciously) preventing getting what they want the most ?(love, success, happiness)
Due to past traumas, we all carry negative programs buried in our unconscious that brainwashes and makes us believe that if "We don't have it", either we don't really deserve it or it cannot last!?!
Our reactive behaviors are only the effect, let's debunk those negatives programming who causes them, and give ourselves to The Everlasting blessings of The Light.
Just by lighting one single match,darkness is bond to disappear.
C life through a spiritual I

Love & Light Always, Ilanit.

Message #11 03/ 2019

Bonjour Friends,

Every baker knows that a dough must rest in order to rise!
Life is filled with challenges / opportunities placed in front of us to help us grow, being spiritual is about learning to manage our energy to face them and get ahead of the game. It's being able to alternate between moments we push and moments we recharge, in order to nourish and expand our soul with divine bread.
C life through a spiritual I

Love & Light Always, Ilanit.

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Message #10 02/2019

Bonjour Friends,

Having the humility to know that there is 'Nothing new under the sun' for us to create, yet acting as an honorable and unique representative of the divine whom every single word and action has the power to make a difference, is what makes us pure channels of The Light and agents of change in the world.
@ www.facebook.com/ICbyIlanit
C life through a spiritual I

Love & Light Always, Ilanit.

Message #9 02/2019

Bonjour Friends,

Who doesn't want to enjoy,more harmonious time, in a 'easy breathy' space? As far as I can remember, I always knew and used on a a regular basis decluttering (and not just when spring came around!) as a spiritual tool to create a positive flow in my life. Cleaning, organizing, moving things around and feeling so much lighter, happier after each session. However, whatever overload one may have 'back then' is nothing compare to the 'Millennia digital invasion of our home'!
Since last week,I have been on a mission to get rid of loads of emails and 'subscriptions',I never signed for! And what a journey it has been!!! How amazing to realize the true friends that are accompanying us for years, how 'interesting' to see some others reappearing from ''underground', and of course what a bummer to realize that so often we are only the prey in the wild goose chase of life! Yet,what is the most wonderful things is to feel deep in our heart that nothing really matters. When one has found his divine call and direct line of connection with it, all those are only beautiful steps in that journey to be and reveal the light. Being said,our time and energy is precious and if we want to be free to use it in the most significant and effective way, some 'Digital decluttering''is a good way to help us doing just that!
Love & Light Always, Ilanit.
C life through a spiritual I

Love & Light Always, Ilanit.

Friday, February 15, 2019

Message #8 02/2019

Bonjour Friends,

Find what makes your heart sing...And: Sing!!! 
Sing in the morning, sing in the night, sing when you are alone or when you are not . Sing not because it brings you fame, power or money but because it makes you happy and fill up your life and the world with a light like no others!
@ www.facebook.com/ICbyIlanit
C life through a spiritual I

Love & Light Always, Ilanit.

Message #7 02/2019

Bonjour Friends,

The word alone, suggest a dimension of darkness preceding a change. Whether, one feels all alone, depressed, angry, abused, misunderstood, unloved...there is light at the end of the tunnel. How do we get to reach it? Don't ever stop dreaming, believing and doing with all your heart everything you can to manifest it. Share what you wish to get!
C life through a spiritual I

Love & Light Always, Ilanit.

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Message #6 02/2019

Bonjour Friends,

It has always been known (a least by a few) that the key to unlock "The Secret purpose of life', is to live through the heart. To embrace both sides of it and uncover the pathway that exist in between for the divine to walk through. Living through the heart isn't becoming some 'emotionally wicked being', on the contrary, it is to become so attuned to the power of The Light that exist and the certainty that everything is working in synchronicity, that our lives become pure inner bliss. 
@www.facebook.com/ICbyIlanit & www.icbyilanit.com
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Love & Light always, Ilanit.

Message #5 02/2019

Bonjour Friends,

The 17th century, French writer Jean de La Fontaine, in his collection of fables, depicted a very profound spiritual teaching in " The oak and the bamboo".
The oak might stand strong and proud, his ego giving him for a while the sense that it is above everything and all, yet the bamboo by bending and swaying in harmony with the wind will eventually be able to survive and thrive the strongest storm.
Living spiritually, like yoga, is about learning not to be stiff, physically, intellectually and emotionally and to stretch in harmony with our abilities, in order to connect and experience the totality of 'The Light' which all creation and creatures are made of. Now and for Eternity.
@www.facebook.com/ICbyIlanit & www.icbyilanit.com
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Love & Light Always, Ilanit.