Bonjour Friends
One thing, I really enjoy doing with my precious "little" girls is to borrow books from the library for our special story time.
Every night, before putting them to sleep, we read few stories to each other.
Why am I talking about this ?
Well...Last week as I was reading the book my youngest daughter had chosen for me, the little voice inside my head rang the bell saying:" you should use this book as the foundation for your next message!"
So, here goes the story:
"Once upon a time, in a far away land lived a beautiful unicorn with an amazing gift! She could heal anything's by touching it with her horn.
The little unicorn should have been the happiest creature on the planet...but no!?!
She was too busy being sad ! Why couldn't she have wings ? It's the only things, she really wanted.
Every day, she would walk all around looking at flying creatures, crying about what she was missing.
Then, one day a beautiful flying horse fell from the sky. He was hurt: one of his wings was broken.
For the first time, the unicorn that saw his pain didn't think about herself. She used her special gift and healed the horse.
At this moment, she fulfilled her purpose and became a true channel of Light.(which brought her all the happiness, she was looking for so long!)
Now,the story won't be finished without an even more obvious happy end, to thank her, the flying horse that happened to have a special gift on his own too, ( he could grant wishes to whom as a pure heart and think of others before himself ) gave her what she wanted all along : A majestic set of wings".
Does this story remind you of anything ?
I personally believe that most of us spend our lives like the unicorn.
We are filled with blessings and received unique gifts but unfortunately,(thanks to the other voice in our heads), we look more into what is missing in our lives than appreciating what we have.
If we were more determined to discover and cultivate our own special seed, we will finally see how blessed we are,
In the world of spirituality, Appreciation is known as a powerful tool to connect to true happiness and generate abundance.
Since, it's common sense that likes attracts likes. Recognizing our blessings and sharing them won't leave us deprived, the opposite! Sharing creates a circuitry of energy: whatever, we put out there will come back to us and even more.
Kabbalist makes an analogy between the light of a candle and the Light force of the universe : Both can share and lite new flames without ever diminished their brightness.
Dear Friends,
We can illuminate the world .
By sharing the flame and let it swirled.
Turning 'The Light' on, and breaking the dawn.
Never stopping until chaos is gone.
Love & Light Always, Ilanit
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