Bonjour Friends
Do you ever wonder why, we can feel so different one day from another?!
Why do we wake up happy and excited some days and some others...Let's just say that we stepped out on the wrong side of the bed.
Even when our daily routine remain the same, our moods somehow can swing for no apparent reasons: going up and down/ side to side, getting us dizzy.( Not to mention what it does to our entourage)
Guys, I can already see the look on your face! Please, don't think that I am only talking to the ladies in here!!!! Hormones and other physical conditions are not the subject I was referring to.
Today, I'd like to address the concept of :"Being Antennas".
Sometimes,when we don't feel so good it might be that we have been in touch with some parasite vibrations from our environment.
Indeed, when we study the human body, we learn that we are made up of 75% of water. In other words, we are sponges!
(I give it to you, this is a very simplify definition, but I didn't want to put you to sleep!)
In other words, whatever is going on around us has a direct impact in our lives!
And when I say around I mean: Near and Far.
Have you ever heard of the "Butterfly effect theory"?
Scientists states that:"The flap of a butterfly's wing in China can set of a hurricane in the other side of the world".
With all this constant worldwide chaos: no wonder that people feel stressed or depressed 'every other day'!
O.K! Enough with all this negativity!
Dear friends, the choice is ours! we can either be 'The Cause' or 'The Effect".
Today, we can decide to set up our mind to affect the world in a positive way, and pour more Love, Healing and Harmony in the Universe.
And although,we might not see the result of our actions, yet!
We must have faith that someday we will finally be free from chaos to fly up high like butterflies.
Love & Light Always, Ilanit
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