Bonjour friends
Recently, lots of people are asking me the same question: "What is in the air? why do I feel so pressured?"
Nature itself seems to fight with us! The other day, my daughters` pediatrician was even admitting that he was the witness of something, he never saw before in his practice: Viruses and Colds that suppose to last for a week are going on for a month, becoming stronger and more resistant.
It got me wondering? Could it be a taste of what The Bible call 'The Armageddon War'?
Today, more than ever, we need perseverance and a total spiritual commitment to rise above our challenges.
We must become 'Modern time Gladiators' fighting for their lives.
'The Armageddon'/ The Final World War, is a war of consciousness and though many spiritual teachings have been talking about it, some ideas still need to be clarify.
In one hand: it's true that the world is in a process of mutation and will have to come to an end (as we know it), and humanity will have to find a way to adapt in order 'to survive'.
Yet,'We' are the one who can determine if this change will take place through: Mercy or Judgement.
Therefore, if we do 'our job', we could witness, amazing breakthroughs. People will feel empower with new ideas and limitless opportunities. It would be the beginning of a new journey or should I say a new World!
What do we need then, to make the scale balance on the side of the Light?
Scientist agreed, that everything is energy and that once created never get lost, consequently: Our actions and consciousness directly affect the all world, undifferentiated of religions, race or beliefs.
By taking control over what we are putting outside in the universe, we'll start to affect our planet and future.
Therefore, the question we must ask ourselves daily is: Do we want to become the writers of a catastrophe movie and let our selfish ways gets manifested in the most ugly ways or do we want to be the creators of the most beautiful movie ever written?!
'Light or Darkness'? That is the question, and 'We' are the answer!
Love & Light Always, Ilanit.
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