Bonjour friends
Does this sound familiar to you ?
Name: Ilanit FridmanBirthday: March 19, 19..
Relationship Status: Married
Activities: Intuitive Counselor (M.Ed), Numerologist, Writer
What' s on my mind now?
So many things, but should I share them? I am not sure, this is the right place to do it?!
Today, in a society where communication knows no limits, there is one thought that keeps hammering itself on my brain: Are we really using technology to connect more with each others? or Are we the victims of more separation?
With all those new live chat and online communities, suddenly everyone can connect or reconnect with everyone!
Suddenly, we receive 'invitations' to become friends with people we hardly know or ironically who made our life a nightmare at some point.
We can talk to people who lives in the other side of the globe and listen to all their stories, when most of us don't even know our own neighbors, not to be hardly honest our own surrounding.
What is this phenomena telling us?
From the day that we are born, we all want to feel that we belong, that we are not alone in this world. We want:"To love and being loved in return!"
But like everything, there is rules in this universe and in this case: What we give is what we get!
Furthermore, all the things that we want (Love, attention, support...) we should start to share them.(live or online)
From a spiritual point of view words have power and meaning, so when we ask: How are you? or What's on your mind? We should really care, if not: let's not ask!
Also, when we see people writing about themselves on those walls, especially when it sounds like they're trying to reach out for help (and truly there is no need of a psychological degree to see it)what are we doing about it? Don't we have a responsibility as their "friend"?
Are we going to read between the lines and answer this call ? or... Are we going to become this "Generation Facebook": Reality Online where no one cares!
It is said about Moses, that it was so sensitive to every single being, that he could even feel if a sheep was missing! (And back then he didn't have a computer or even a cellphone to locate them!)
Today, my friends,because of technology we can finally say: "One world"
Let's now share our love and make it:"One Soul".
Love & Light Always, Ilanit.
Ilanit, I loved your post. It's funny, but I can hear your voice as I'm reading it. I concur 100%. Thank you for your suggestions. All the best, Rachel Lewis