Thursday, July 20, 2023


Bonjour Friends, Certain 'moves' are not so easy, however:" When the fear/pain to stay the same is greater than the one to change: We've got to Jump!" People, Places & Plays come to teach us things about ourselves to help us grow, once we learned that lesson, there is no reason to hang onto it:! All we need, is to be thankful, let it go & know with certainty that if 'The Universe' got us there, it also got what comes next all under control!" My name is Ilanit Fridman, I am a Certified Life Coach (M.Ed), Writer & Speaker specialized in Mindful Living as well as a Yoga & Qigong instructor. Known for my warmth & extensive knowledge as well as my empathic & intuitive nature, I am here to help you live as your best, most empowered & aligned authentic self in 'The Game of Life'. Feel free to reach out to inquire how? And learn about my different services for the Body, Mind & Spirit (in person & online) & don't hesitate to share forward! Love & Light Always, Ilanit. 786-565-2772 IC by Ilanit C life through a mindful I

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