Friday, May 31, 2013

The Letting go Recipe

Bonjour Friends

The story I'm about to share is like a fleshly baked loaf of bread which, I not only get to serve you - still hot from the oven- but also helped baked while wearing my special Lightworker's apron.

As you'll soon realize as well, it's the kind of story that says it all, by reminding us one essential spiritual law of the universe aka: "Letting go!" of the consequences of "being human" and have "a mind on our own" is the tendency to also being stubborn and controlling.

Let's face it: How many of us become obsessed and inflexible when they have something they want in mind?

Moreover, it's often that only when we are ready to let go do we allow the universe to work for us.

Either way, that the thing we want is meant for us or not, by surrounding ourselves to: "The Light", we finally create an opening to get unstuck and move forward.

In other words: "When we are letting go, The Light can flow and run the show".

How can it get any better than this?

Read this true story, and decide for yourself!

About a month ago, one of my "closest Friend" started searching for a new apartment knowing that at the end of May her contract would be over and that she would not renew it.

As the search went on, not able to find what she was looking for, she grew more and more frustrated each time I spoke with her, and even though the message I had received for her was very reassuring it didn't seems to ease her state of mind.
As I was guided to tell her since the first time she had mention the situation to me: "Everything has a timing and last resource, I was told that she could ask to stay in her actual place for another month and it would work just fine"

Won't you feel better, knowing this?

Well....Apparently it wasn't enough and mostly because it wasn't the plan!

Nevertheless, I kept on telling the same thing to her, until finally a week ago-one week away from the end of her lease-she decided to let go and talk to her landlord who asked for a day or two to think about it!

Now, can you guess what happened during that time?

You're absolutely right!

The landlord accepted to let her stay another month, which would not be necessary since she had finally found "her place" and is actually moving in as I share this story with you!

Love & Light Always, Ilanit..

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