Bonjour Friends
How are you doing today?
Are you one of those,(including myself) who felt swept by a dark wave of emotions recently?
Associate to a specific event or not, it's as something was "off" in the air and was swallowing us, independently of our own will! Wasn't it?
Kabbalah and Science explains that energy travels.
Furthermore, with all the chaos that takes place in the world, there's no wonder that we're going to be affected by it, in a way or another!
In such time, here what I did and what I recommend: take the time, feel the pain that rises from inside and then...use it like spiritual fuel.
It can be such a purifying experience and, with the release may even come a renewal of desire!
Unfortunately, in our modern world, we're all in a hurry to denial it! Give me a pill, give me a patch, give me something/anything but make this pain go away! Does it sound familiar?!
Well...Pain was created for a good reason: it makes us learn, grow and it even protects us.
Think about it, if fire didn't hurt, we could leave our hand above a flame until it completely burns!
Yet! Pain was not meant to stop us from living.
Pain was more like a reminder that there is a lack inside of us that we need to fulfill.
For these reason and some others, I felt this week was the perfect time for some reminders on how to bring the "missing Light" in our lives.
Reminder one:
Beyond the appearances: "We're all in the same boat"!
On the outside, we might have chosen different movies, strength, talents & challenges but at the end of the day, we're all have a similar work to do: transforming our "human nature" of receiver into our divine one, as beacon of Light.
Reminder two:
To succeed at this game, we should approach every situation "proactively" rather than "reactively". Using the kabbalistic concept of restriction allows us to not judge "the outside" and to bring light into the situation.
Reminder three:
Our ego, to often makes us believe that life isn't fair, making us look at what others have and/or what we are missing and it all started back to the garden of Eden.
Kabbalah is teaching us, that on the day Adam & Eve ate from the Tree of Knowledge, with a little more faith and patience, they should have (already) returned to their fundamental state of oneness with the Light. Instead, "jealousy" was awaken in their heart by the snake, (How comes G-od doesn't want you to eat from that fruit?!)
Since that day, in order to correct this "lost energy", we must learn to Love as One.
For this reason it said: "Love your neighbor as thyself" the rest is commentary!
Love & Light always, Ilanit.
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