Bonjour Friends
The countdown started. Three months of 'break' are about to be launch and my brain is already racing! I have to go over so many things this week, before wearing my "Supermom summer suit".
I still need to: publish my message, complete few charts, schedule meetings, go shopping (as an army is coming over), look for kid's activities, volunteer ... and I don't even mention all "the unexpected"!
Do I look stressed out? Why should I? Multitasking became the norm today, isn't it?
We are moms/dads, housewives, workers (doing one or more jobs to generate a living)...
The list is long, but no complains here!
Actually, it is not the quantity of work that generates our stress, but the pressure that comes from our mind.
My beloved teacher once said that our generation lives in a very exceptional time.
We are the actors of the ultimate show: "The grand Finale", but before we lift the curtain to reveal the whole picture, everybody needs to work on the last details, with more pressure than ever before
Truthfully, it's exciting, yet stressful at the same time.
During this critical time, we especially need to focus on restricting our impulses !
We all get our share of challenges, and it might feel at time that it never end, but ultimately, the real challenge is our thoughts and the way they affect our behavior.
Today, we should embrace our lives, as we were running a marathon.
When I was in high school, I did some running competition, I still remember the physical pain, when my muscles started to burn, yet the real challenge was the internal fight !
Although, if you keep running until the end, not only do you feel good, but you're achievement seems to help getting back all your energy ! I remember, I could sprint the last 100 meter, as I just started to run.
So how, do we take control over "our thoughts" ?
Like running, it's a matter of training/perseverance.
On this subject, researchers have been teaching us, that we need 21 days to take a new habit.
Furthermore, I'd like you to join me for this"thoughtful" challenge.
From now on:.
1.When a though come to you : acknowledge where it is coming from. Observe what you feel and what you want to do.
2. Remember that you always have a brighter alternative than being reactive
3.If you can't get it out of your mind, do something else (preferably something that is going to keep you very busy physically and mentally)
4.Practice meditation everyday. Learn what other tools work for you, to empower your soul.
Leaving the "mind over matter", is a constant work!
Our society easily accepts that we must regularly train our physical body to keep it strong.
Now, it's time to understand that it is the same with our spirit, so...
Let's the marathon begin !
See you at the finish line.
Love & Light Always, Ilanit
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