Bonjour Friends
Each day is a Unique Gift of Light. Embrace it as if it was your first, yet, Share your all as if it was your last!
Pretty strong statement, isn't it?
Actually, it's a universal concept that has been mentioned in daily prayers from the time of creation.
The question is: How many of us are living according to it?
Spiritual teachings from around the world agrees in lots of matters, one of them is the power of our consciousness and desire. According to Kabbalah, we can transform ourselves and the world in a split of a second!
Our lives can turned around if we choose to. We only need to transport ourselves in this higher dimension, where we are in touch with our true potential and true reality.
How can we do it with so much chaos around?
Some of you probably know that I was born in Paris and lived there until I completed my formation. Until that time, my life from within looked very much as a spiritual booth camp that I survived without the tools I have today.
The only thing I had at the time was my love and certainty in a higher force that I knew was protecting me!
Could it be the answer in a simplest form?
What's amazing about this period of my life, is the way and the timing, on how things started to switch around. "Out of the blue" I found myself visiting Miami, moved there soon after, and started a whole new chapter of my life.
Passing the details, it was almost as I had traveled in a time machine and jumped into a future that I never thought about before.
Prior to that day, nothing had prepared me to this evolution or should I say revolution!
Today , when I am thinking about my life back then, it's almost like looking at another life! (Except for the accent and my love for "croissant"!)
Did you ever experience this type of feelings ? Looking at your past as it was someone else?
Sometimes, past events or "past life" are painful or don't reflect who we are now, but eventually they are part of our story.
By understanding the dynamic, they created within us, they can give us the key to unlock our present and built our future.
For this reason, I would like to take you with me back in time in order to support the thought for this week.
As, I was mentioning it last time, my first spiritual experience (that I was aware of) took place as I was twelve years old.
Sadly, I can remember it as it was yesterday. One morning, I woke up from a dream filled with details about a terrible event, only to see it happening in the real world few hours later.
Pretty disturbing for a first revelation.
This "gift" as people like to call it, is not always glitter and magic.
What you do with it, can be !
I believe that we're all extraordinary in our own special way ! Beyond our gifts, it's our desire to share a part of us with others and become a channel for the Light that makes us special !
Since that day, I personally understood that I had a responsibility in this world. It's how, I started to study and embraced my spiritual journey.
Paradoxically, as my first teacher was always telling me: (when I started to study kabbalah), spirituality is not about flying in the sky. We don't become spiritual by going to meditate in a mountain, but rather down to earth when we are facing our challenges and still try to make a difference in the world.
Unfortunately, it is easy to get lost: How many people are using spiritual tools, but after a while forget the purpose?!
"Becoming spiritual" is the way to fulfill our mission and reveal endless light in the world. It's also supposed to bring us closer to others.
However, there is always some individuals that get confused !
Those people become either disconnected from the rest of the world, or constantly on a search for the next "spiritual high". It becomes an addiction or another type of separation.
For this reason, we always need to remind ourselves that spiritual tools are not the purpose, but the way to access it!
Spirituality is a work, that carry the most fabulous reward : if we stay focus on the goal to achieve, we will eventually experience all the wonders that we can imagine and even more.
Together, let's climb the mountain and reach the ultimate level of elevation: One Heart, One Soul
Love & Light Always, Ilanit.
Dear Ilanit,
ReplyDeleteI love your BLOG posts. They are nicely written and the message is phenomenal!
Rightfully or not, Often, when I read stuff on the internet, I have some sort of resentment as too the intentions of the writer.
You I know personally and I know you walk to walk with your spirituality.
Continue the great work and inspire people to be more sharing and loving. It’s a great mission!
Love and Light,
Yehuda Miara
Illanit... your blog postings are just purely inspirational!
ReplyDeleteThank you.
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