Bonjour Friends
How have you been for the past few weeks?
Do the words "Sensible & Emotional" come to mind?
Don't worry... You're certainly not the only one feeling that way!
You've been under the cosmic vibration called: "Cancer".
More than a thousand years ago, Kabbalistic astrology, (one precious tool from the ancient wisdom of Kabbalah) revealed to us that the same way the Moon influences the tides of the oceans; the 7 main planets of our universe, which connect to the 12 signs of the zodiac influences us daily.
After all: Aren't we mostly made of water?
Nevertheless, this knowledge isn't about giving us our personal horoscope and/ or leaving us in a "victim" position of our fate.
No! On the contrary, it's about knowing the energy available, mastering its advantages and overcoming its challenges.
Since, "knowing" is a step closer to "changing", let me share with you the enlightenment this energy brought into my life.
During one of my meeting, I found myself sharing some very personal memories in order to guide my new friend.
Looking in my past, I realized that the 25th first years of my life have been truly a military spiritual workshop, a highly intense training for my future.
During that period, I saw and experienced lots of the human negativity causing psychological, emotional and physical pains.
The intimate presence of the Light force of the Creator in my life was actually the only brightness that kept me in place.
At the time though, I was believing that true fulfillment can't be achieved on this Earth.
Obviously, I hadn't found a spiritual teacher at the time, I would just pray everyday to find some peace.
Not always able to understand the gap between Light and darkness.
I, even found myself looking with envy the destiny of those people that choose to devote their life to God. Loving and sharing, yet protected by walls!!!
Well...I am Jewish, so... It couldn't possibly be my destiny!
(I hope, I don't offend anyone here, but my pains was that intense).
Back then, I was crying to find my Temple, knowing that the Light was the only source that could give it to me!
I didn't understand that "The Light is everywhere" means: Even in our challenges!!!
To sweeten our life, we must face our test and change our position from being the effect to being the cause!
Most importantly, we should not build walls around ourselves because we've been hurt.
Connecting to "The Light", it's about opening and removing the layers that surround our heart!
Once upon a time, a man was eager to get closer to the divine.
He decided that the world he was living in was inferior in value, so he left everything behind him.
He found himself a mountain and started a process of meditation to connect with the upper world, begging for God to reveal itself to him.
After days of fasting and meditating...a voice talked to him!
God! Is that you?! I've been dreaming for this moment to come.
Where are you? Can I see you?
Sure! said God
Look down your summit: Do you see the people bellow? I am right there!
Love & Light
Sincerely, Ilanit.
Genuine, naive, truly painful and aligned experiences that like you, many of us lived - intuitively knowing that darkness is only the illusion. What kept you going and, many of us, was the craving to connect with some force that -again- we intuitively suspected existed.
ReplyDeleteI heard this week from a kabbalist something that I would like to share: when the body says NO, the soul is saying YES. Maybe you could write about it in one of your future blogs.
Much love,
Michèle Yael