Bonjour Friends
As I surely mentioned it in the past, I can clearly record my "spiritual awakening" at the age of 12.
When I was shown that there was a lot more to life than what our eyes can see (or hear), I started to learn, to understand about the power of the Light Force of the Creator surrounding and within myself.
Even though, looking back shows how I've been involved in many incredible life's story, I still look at it with amazement, like watching "The Divine Masterpiece".
Actually, I am forever grateful for the opportunity to work as a devoted Light's mail carrier.
For centuries, many great teachers and Kabbalists strength, the importance of humility, and the restriction of "The Ego" in order to succeed in our spiritual journey.
Furthermore, to make sure not to take credits and honors that don't belong to me, I like to laugh at myself when I face my "human mistakes" and, welcome with joy the bruising of my ego.
For this same reason, I also make sure to follow the advice that I received from one of my first teacher: "Share-Appreciate and move on to the next"!
Today, I decided to do even better than that, I plan to share with you, one of my "True personal stories".
Hopefully, it will help illustrate my point:
As spiritually evolve as one may be, there are tons of space for growth...and so much more messages to listen and learn from!
Few weeks ago, one Sunday morning, I was doing laundry.
I live in a "Condo". Furthermore, I am sharing the use of the laundry room with the other residents of my floor, to do so, I have a prepaid laundry card. (Those details are of course for my readers that don't live in the US)
After I put my last load to dry, as I was walking to my apartment, a message suddenly popped into my head saying:"Ilanit, you must put back your card to its place right away, if not, you won't find it, next time you need it!"
I got home and guess what?!
For some unexplained reasons, I didn't listen!
Shocking?! I know!
Well...Wait until I tell you what happens next!
Few days later, when it was time for more laundries, "Surprise!": I couldn't find my card.
The good part was that it wasn't lost!
Yet! I didn't know where it was!
I started to look around my house and suddenly stopped: I won't do the same mistake! I will ask and listen!!!
So...I sat, closed my eyes and "talked to the Light".
I asked to see the place, where I had left my card and most importantly to be forgiven for not listening in the first place.
In the next few seconds, I received my answer:
My card was in a jacket that I wore on that " laundry day".
I give you just a "cute little story" but to show how powerful it is if we open our heart to read the message hidden in it!
The Light Force of the creator is constantly talking to us, we're often the one not ready to pick up the phone, and if it is not enough, it's with constant forgiveness that we are welcomed home!
May we truly appreciate, all the love and guidance we receive every second of our lives and answer back, by sharing words of kindness and support to others.
Love & Light.
Sincerely, Ilanit.
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