Bonjour Friends
Sometime more than some others, I find it difficult to put on paper "my thoughts" with the same fluidity than when they cross my mind.
During those moments (like today), I wish I'd have some magical way to express/translate into words some of the intensity that I experience within...if only those thoughts could fly like fireflies dancing in the night sky!
Well...as my high school french teacher used to say: (which it's also true about our Creator) When the phrasing becomes too long and/or too complicated, break it into shorter sentences and keep it simple!
So, allow me to start from the beginning as the simplest way to do it!
Last week-end, I was having a little chat with an "old" friend, reflecting since it was my youngest daughter 5th birthday on: How much time can fly!"
Yet, aren't we forever 21 as we often joke ?
I realized just then that from the point of view of the soul, it' s true that time doesn't exist. Immortality doesn't have an age !
Furthermore, It makes perfect sense to feel always young inside.
Personally, in a more accurate way:" I feel equally young than old" at the same time, exactly as I did when I was not even 21!
Nevertheless, let's go back to the reason for this interlude. As a consequence of this time travel, I came up with my weekly insight/ memory.
When I was 17, one of my teachers makes us study a verse of the Michna (commentary of the Bible from different sages) that had stuck with me since.
It says that there three categories of love that can help us to connect to the oneness of the universe.
1- The self love, which is not to confuse with egoistic love but truly the way to respect our true nature: Light undercover flesh.
2-Love for the Light force of the universe, which is again in our own benefit. Appreciation is the only way to keep the gift we received.
3-Love for others, not for need or interest but as the extension of ourselves.
When life gets complicated and challenges darkened the picture all around,, let's go back to one simple rule of creation. Let's remember that the whole point of our incarnation that unify us all is embodied in the verse "love your neighbor". "The rest is only commentary"
Dear friends
Little Lights flying in the sky.
Open your wings and shine
Illuminate the world like a myriad of fireflies.
Sincerely, Ilanit
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