Bonjour Friends
Thursday November 26, 2009: 4th Thursday of November is Thanksgiving day.
For those of you that are reading my blog and that are not American (by birth or by living) you probably wonder: Why am I talking about this? What does this topic have to do with you or spiritual growth in general?
For a start, if you like American movies and TV shows (like I did even prior my move to Miami), you probably already know about Thanksgiving, (at least you know about the gathering, the traditional turkey and maybe even about the pumpkin pie).
Thanksgiving is a major holiday and an important part of the American culture.
Yet! Behind the history, there is a beautiful and universal message that we can all learn from.
Thanksgiving is a reminder to connect to a pair of fundamental principles (necessary for any human being wishing to fulfill their spiritual mission), I am naming here: "Appreciation and Sharing".
Personally, when I am hearing those two words that are connected like a soul mate couple, I actually can't help myself to think of one of my first kabbalah teachers who always says:
"Thanks" are nice but the best way to show appreciation more effectively is through actions/sharing.
To acknowledge and multiple our blessings, we should consciously do selfless act of sharing.
As we do, there are few things we should keep in mind:
1-Little or big, physical or emotional, sharing can change a person's life if it truly comes from the heart.
2-Sharing can't have an agenda.
3-Don't expect any rewards. When we give, we get (not always in the way we were expected to)
4-As we share. Keep the ego down and the humility up: "we are only Channels of Light".
Our generation is meant to teach/ re-educate the world and elevate the global consciousness to the next level, where "Loving-caring-Sharing" becomes again the normal.
During this process, let's remember that every act of sharing, is like a gold coin that we add in our spiritual bank account, and our saving is the asset always available to us when we need a miracle.
From all the sharing, nothing is more powerful than helping someone connect to the Light force of the Universe.
With Love.
Sincerely, Ilanit