Friday, January 18, 2019

Message #3 01/2019

Bonjour Friends,

Do you remember as a kid, solving coded messages, having to find the letter standing for each one of the symbol on your page to solve the mystery? At the age of 16 or 17, I was intuitively guided to learn numerolgy, and, it brought the same excitement for I had discovered a 'secret' way to verbalize the feelings and images, I would get by standing near the people I felt empathy for. Also known as gmatria, Numerology teaches that words and numbers worked as a unified system, Each number connect to a specific vibration/ teachings that can be explained into word and vice versa. About #3.
It is the number of ever flowing communication, creativity, optimism, joy, self- expression. Ir is the number supporting an harmonious living of the Body-Mind & Soul, The perfect circuitry between the the +and - via the filament making the light bulb shine bright... 3 is the vibration available for us in 2019, allowing us 'if we choose to', to expand ourselves, to push the barriers limiting us , to experience union rather than division. It will provide each one of us with opportunities to become whole as long as we overcome small, limited believes. Now is the time to live as we are all connected and know that we can fly above the sky and reach the divine firmament as one. &
C life through a spiritual I

Love & Light Always, Ilanit.

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