Sunday, January 28, 2018

Message #5 01/2018

Bonjour Friends,

Let's talk about shoes.(Message for women and men)

Did you know that behind one of the most popular fashion item hides many spiritual teachings?
Growing up, I was always told to remove my shoes when I got home,( beside keeping the house clean, my mom had learned from her mom that it was the way to truly disconnect from the outside and start to relax) later on I learned that people in the Asian culture was doing the same.Shoes are indeed the symbol of our physical life and challenges, leaving them at the door then becomes a sign of letting all the materialistic worries and burdens behind as we enter our Temple.Back in Antiquity, giving someone our shoes was actually a sign of spiritual agreement and therefore one should not give its shoes to anybody so lightly. Shoes become suddenly a very intimate item, and therefore one should restrain to judge what others are wearing for as it says: we are not in their shoes!
I hope this pamphlet brought a new consciousness in your life, as you put on and remove your shoes each day, remember to walk The path of Light with a heart full of love and mercy,whether you are wearing sneakers or stilettos! &
C life through a spiritual I

Love & Light Always, Ilanit.

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