Thursday, October 7, 2010

Walking the path

Bonjour Friends

Do you often feel that you know something, (and I am not talking here about the Ego: "I know" but the knowledge of the soul that is teaching us), to discover via some events of your life that you might just start to "gets it"!?

Well...I don't know for you, but...It happens to me all the time!

Does it means that we didn't really get it before or are we just reaching a new level of understanding, as we evolve in our spiritual ladder of transformation?

Kabbalah which means, (Remember?)
:To receive, is teaching us that the process of life can be represented in the form of an onion.

Furthermore, each learning and pro-active actions that we undergo remove one layer and gets us closer to the heart.

(Actually, if I have to be more accurate, I will explain how each layer has its own 10 levels... but don't count on me to go there!).

Our job then, is to remove those layers that are obstructing the Light and reach for the heart, where everything is clear and simple and where Love & Unity are the only things that is real.

Talking about heart, here what I wanted to share with you today.

After my last article, I realized more than ever, (and thanks to you for sharing some of your thoughts with me), that nothing is more important!

It also reminded me of a lesson, I learned many years ago:

When I was a University's student, I worked as a tutor for a family that had 3 kid. My youngest student was very smart, he also became very undisciplined in the classroom before I started to work with him, consequently his grades started to lower and it's how his parents contacted me.

I of course worked with him, (and brother & sister) on his academics, but the more time I spent with him, the more I came to realize that behind this " unfocused child" was a soul screaming for something else than a teacher. He was asking to be seen!!!

I am a mother, I know the love parents have for their child as well as the love that we may have for some others people of our lives.

Yet...Sometimes we may get caught up in a life where we forget to pay attention to our surrounding.

Let's be honest here: How often, are we getting blind or too busy for the things that are front of us?

As a spiritual counselor, I am the first person to talk about the "big picture", to act and work for the global consciousness, inviting people to step out of their routine.

Nevertheless, Dear Friends, let's remind ourselves to see what is front of us and most importantly to look:" inside the eyes of others".

Many inspirational books talks about the journey of "Mans" searching for their path, realizing at the end of the story that it was right under their feet from the beginning of their journey.

Love & Light always, Ilanit.

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