Bonjour Friends
I am pretty sure everyone heard the expression: "Working to live versus Living to work", and... I assume that we all know what is the right choice to make!
Nevertheless, I also know that most of us often end up in the 2nd category.
Specially, in our time, we have all the good reasons in the world to push ourselves harder, right?!
The economy is "scary", we have bills to pay, and a job to find or save...
Well...According to lots of spiritual articles, our work represents only a fraction of the result.
Our work: the physical actions that we are taking, is only a window that we are opening compare to the Universe that reveal itself and manifest a house!
Does it mean, we can stay sleeping at home?
Of course not!
We need although, to keep in mind that our real job is to be a channel.
When, we start thinking about what we did as the source of what happened, we forget the most important factor in the equation:" The Light force of the Creator!
At this moment, we start thinking of ourselves as being "The One".
Many years ago, a dear friend to my heart, who, I believed saw through me from the beginning told me two very important things that stayed with me since and became even prophecy, and I would like to share them with you.
He first said to me as I was attending a major spiritual event: "We need to remove you from the front row!" (see...I was one of "these students"!)
Well...For my defense, I thought that I had to push myself harder to be a better channel for others.
Furthermore, I didn't understand his words at the time."Wasn't I supposed to be sitting there?"
In another conversation, he then added:" You don't always need to over think everything to get answers and results, just by listening and opening up your heart to people and life, you will know what to say, since, the Light will be the one talking!
In other words, if anyone make room from the Light, and reduce the "I", things will work out perfectly!
A year after this conversation, I was married and became a mother for the first time. I never sat anymore in the front row, yet! My abilities to feel and share the Light never been so responsive.
I learned to be an opened aqueduct, with people that were literately put in front of me.
What is the lesson of this story?
Our physical actions are important and need to be taken seriously, with consciousness and perseverance.
Nevertheless, at the end of the day, the Light force of the creator is the real one to manifest the result.
Team work, always make wonders: Let makes sure we don't forget about it!
Love & Light.
Sincerely, Ilanit
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