Bonjour Friends
In order to start, please let me rewind the movie back in time to March 19: My Birthday.
When most people usually can't wait to celebrate this day, this date haunted me like a ghost for years! Until...
Up to my mid 20's, my "birth" day was actually a reminder of all the things I wanted and couldn't have, versus all the things I didn't want and had too much! (and just to make it clear, I wasn't really talking about material things here.)
I was actually referring to this feeling of emptiness and disconnection that prevented me from being meaningfully happy opposite my excitement and desire for life, all locked inside.
Well...Many among us feel that way daily, they experience what we call: "The lack".
Luckily, soon enough things started to change...I started to change!
Once I was introduced to the spiritual teaching of Kabbalah, my birthday...My Life suddenly, took a completely new direction.
I switched my glasses, and learned to look at things from different prospective.
See..Until we consciously choose to turn the button on, in our mind, most of us tend to see life from the empty side of the cup rather than from the full one.
During my first year, I learned the true meaning of events like birthdays, holidays and other celebrations...They are windows of opportunities given to us to connect to the seed level, where everything is complete.
Furthermore, during these days, we can tap into a tremendous amount of energy and experience "A Rebirth"!
We can clean ourselves from the past, and be elevated to a new level of consciousness.
The secret to make the most of it is simple: "We need to give, in order to get".
The Universe has already opened up the gate: if we allowed the blessings to flow from us to another person, just like a pipe, we will experience as much as there is: unlimited!
When we are lacking, we often forget this basic rule.
We forget that we originally asked to incarnate in order to become ourselves a source of sharing and evolve from our previous state of being the receiver.
This year, all the messages of love and good wishes that I received from "YOU", almost brought me to tears.
Doing what I am doing, is already more than I ever dreamed!
I would like to conclude by saying that: " At all times, there are always more blessings than our eyes can see".
My daughters told me the other day, and I repeat it now: "God loves you, because God is Love, God is Light!"
Sincerely, Ilanit.