Bonjour Friends,
If you wonder why I didn't write last week, here some pieces of information that might give you hints to figure out the answer.
Did you ever watch this movie? "Force of Nature".
Ben Affleck, the main character is on his way to his wedding when he met Sandra Bullock, a "free-spirit". Suddenly, anything that could possibly go wrong is going wrong.
Nothing is certain anymore: Can he make it on time for the ceremony? Should he still marry even?
Well...without spoiling the story (if you didn't see it) what is the messages behind all these "hurricanes"? What does it mean, when things get upside down in our lives? What is the right answer to follow?
The movie maker, obviously made a choice, even though two scenarios were possible.
2-"The opponent",was playing tricks to prevent him from fulfilling his destiny.
Life is quit an adventure? Isn't it?
There are so many choices to decide from, to figure "the answer" to our "flood"of challenges!
It's okay to say it out loud: We need help!
We certainly can't do it alone, at least not in an intellectual way only.
Obviously, there are lots of tools that I could mention here to do so, but one prerequisite must first be reminded: to get the Light, we must elevate our vibration above our nature and become "like the Light".
What does it mean?
When we transform our instincts/desire to receive for oneself alone to a true desire to share, we want (material, physical, spiritual...) things, to help others, we'll get the universe to work for us, and we'll receive all the answers we need: what we give is what we get!
In any case, when "make a choice with 100% desire to be with the Light, it would never be a mistake! The path we are on will take us home any ways.
Have a beautiful week