Bonjour Friends
This week was "Back to school" for my girls (and many other children) and somehow, I felt the same way too!
Although, I knew that it was only a gleam of what was in store for us in less than a month.
Kabbalah, gives grand importance to "Time" and explains that each day has a particular vibration and that specific dates are like unique windows of opportunities for all humankind, to grow and transform.
New year, New moon, Holidays, Birthdays become a gift from the universe to us to affect life at the seed level.
As always, if we truly want to connect to it and become the creator of our reality, it starts with our desire!
No matter, how old or knowledgeable we are, if we open our heart and quiet down our ego, we will soon realize that every day, everyone and everything are opportunities to learn something new and evolve to a better self and get closer to 'The Light'.
This week, I had few experiences that teach me new things about myself and the "Human-Divine nature", all were somehow connected to the topic "Mind, Body and Soul": Three separate components that are meant to work as one !
I, understood more than ever, that is fundamentally a question of finding balance.
The dynamic between those three, if we don't overlook at it can switch from the side of the Light (when they work in harmony) to the side of the opponent that will use one or another to challenge us.
As kabbalah is teaching us, succeeding in the game of life is to learn the rules of the game and find balance between the three columns system that sustains the world.
Right or the energy of sharing, the Light inside/ the soul. Left or the energy of receiving, the body and central or the power of restriction: activating the mind to choose between the two main thoughts (proactive vs reactive)
I learned that it is our job to feed each one of them: Body, Mind and Soul, and make them work for us and not against us!
Sometimes, our mind and soul can be at peace with a particular event or challenge, it doesn't mean we haven't been affected at all, which can explain most of the illness that people may experience and vice-versa !
A precious key, in this journey of experiencing endless fulfillment is: Forgiveness.
We may not feel that we hold on emotions and traumas.
We may not know, how to forgive or may not want to forgive, but forgiveness for ourselves and for others is essential in order to get closer to 'The Light', to heal from inside out and rebirth to a new-self.
Forgiveness can help us take, as it was always meant to be, our place in the world as Angel of Light.
Love & Light always, Ilanit.