Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Message #70 12/18

Bonjour Friends,

Although on a spiritual plan all Lightworkers are mediators to spread and awaken divine Love & Light in the world; on a physical level their journey might differ in form and shape. Some might be working on the open as channels of spiritual modalities, while some others might be working undercover. Some might become famous and acknowledged for their contribution while others might stay in the shadow. In any case, the mark of a true Lightworker is to maintain the spirit of a warrior even if it means shooting arrows in what seems to be the dark, knowing that this love would find its target and keep on spreading around til all is one! &
C life through a spiritual I

Love & Light Always, Ilanit.

Message #69 12/18

Bonjour Friends,

Spiritual growth is often compared to climbing a ladder.
Now, even though each step has its value and each situation carries its unique set of gifts, many will still judge and or compare the parts and miss seeing the whole: Every steps counts in the walk toward our higher self., Let's not waste time 'talking', instead keep on walking! &
C life through a spiritual I

Love & light Always, Ilanit.

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Message #68 12/18

Bonjour Friends,

By asking oneself the question:"What are you grateful for today?"One, as that moment, opens himself to the abundance of the universe. 
Each day, reflecting on the simple fact that we get another day to Live,Love, Share and Experience the Light , can bring us to a state of true happiness. And as it said: "Who is happy/grateful for 'no reasons' ( or should we say overlooked ones) will receive more reasons to be grateful for". &
C life through a spiritual I

Love & light Always, Ilanit.

Message #67 12/18

Bonjour Friends,

From the moment we are born, (and even before that), our minds are plastered with images of what our lives should look like;
What beautiful is, 
Love, Growth, Success etc ....
How can we not see that all is a treachery designed to make us fall! How can we not remember that not two people in this whole entire planet are alike, making it impossible to replicate a model that fits all!
What we have in common though, is our ability to love and create for we are made in the image of our Creator! So, Love yourself, Love others, Share, Expand.
Remind yourself each day that you are a beautiful light with the ability to create your own masterpiece! &
C life through a spiritual I

Love & Light Always, Ilanit.

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Message #66 11/18

Bonjour Friends,

"We are Love and Light, We can help people Be Love, Be Light. We can be anything that we want. Share your Light!"
Words & drawing from my 5 years old daughter. From her heart to the sky! 

Love & Light Always, Ilanit.

Message #65 11/18

Bonjour Friends,

If you have been or still are hurting for not being seen and loved rightfully, whether by a parent, a peer or a lover, know that whenever the image of one's ego gets shattered, the soul is now offered a great opportunity to take center stage and to truly shine.
When, what we call the I is low, The Real You can rise high! &
C life through a spiritual I

Love & light Always, Ilanit.

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Message #64 11/18

Bonjour Friends,

Most will "Live" their whole life, with feelings of anger (revealed or latent), for they couldn't come to the understanding that we might not be able to control 'the waves' as they hit, but that we can always dive deep in our subconscious mind, where it feels safe, and happy and from where we can shift realities.
Today this 'secret' is out, so don't wait to swim into the fulfillment of the real you and be open to share it for you never know which life you might safe! &
C life through a spiritual I

Love & Light Always, Ilanit.

Message #63 11/18

Bonjour Friends,

"I've set Life and Death before you...Therefore choose Life"
This Biblical statement, seems obvious , and yet!
As we know, being alive doesn't always mean to truly be align with LIFE, and is usually infected by daily doses of little deaths.
From the way we act, think, eat or breath every moment of every day is a choice that must be taken consciously.
However today, more than ever before, wisdom is available for us to know how to hack the system and regain control over our body and live the fulfilled, expandable, enlighten and connected life, we are meant to live.
So , keep on working at it and spreading it for the whole world to see and be! &
C life through a spiritual I

Love & Light Always, Ilanit.

Monday, November 5, 2018

Message #62 11/18

Bonjour Friends,

Let's face it! Being spiritually conscious, in our thoughts, words & actions is a 24/7 lifetime workout.
Moreover, as we persevere with all our love and might, every challenge will turn into a new high for us to flow with life.
Rise and shine Knights of Light! &
C life through a spiritual I

Love & Light Always, Ilanit.

Message #61 11/18

Bonjour Friends,

The humankind is always working motivated by the primary though: I want! 
And so,,we are continuously over analyzing, judging, revisiting/recreating events, mainly with a negative 'what if' way of seeing reality whenever this desire isn't fulfilled.
Now, imagine knowing with full certainty that every ups and downs, twists and loops were the exact way to 'get it all'.
Imagine experiencing life with joy and inner peace, for all we need is here, right now., Be happy, Be kind, like a roller coaster life is about enjoying the ride! &
C life through a spiritual I

Love & Light Always, Ilanit.

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Message #60 10/2018

Bonjour Friends,

What makes "Sharing and Caring"a universal spiritual principle?
While it might take some time and a process to found our way, when we are lost, it only takes a second to extend our hand and help someone else.
Sharing and caring is the pathway to our heart, where time & space stops and it feels good to be right back at "Home". &
C life through a spiritual I

Love & Light always, Ilanit.

Message #59 10/2018

Bonjour Friends,

Because 'We' are desire in need of fulfillment, (rather provided instantly than slowly), we all experience battles between choosing what is right vs what we want right now?
And while it is okay to indulge with 'physical food" from time to time, there is a lot more at stake when we indulge in reactive 'spiritual food'.
For that reason,nowadays, it becomes a necessity for all of us, to learn how to not 'being cooked' like in a pressure cooker and train our mind to go over matter.
Food for the soul, Meditate on it! &
C life through a spiritual I

Love & Light Always, Ilanit.

Monday, October 8, 2018

Message #58 10/18

Bonjour Friends,

Tired of being caught in the rat race of life?! Going nowhere but deeper in your sense of despair? Slow down. Breathe deep and then deeper. Just stop. 
Nothing is more important than getting back to the real you: Happy, Caring,Loving, Expandable with Light TRUE YOU! &
C life through a spiritual I

Love & Light Always, Ilanit.

Message #57 10/18

Bonjour Friends,

Many act like the kid who says :"I want dessert!".And his parent answers:"You must first eat the food in front of you." 
Desire can create lots of positive future effects when pointing toward the right direction, but Appreciation for what it is 'Here'/ Now is essential to experience happiness at any given moment. &
C life through a spiritual I

Love & Light Always, Ilanit.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Message #56 10/2018

Bonjour Friends,

Our mind is like a supermarket. 
Let's be wise consumers, let's not buy all thoughts we see just because they're on shelves or "on sale"! Pick and choose not in an impulse but after thinking it through, for everything comes at a coast and with an expiration date! (except for The Light who is Eternal and the only thing we will ever need) &
C life through a spiritual I

Love & Light Always, Ilanit.

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Message #55 10/2018

Bonjour friends,

Each human being is an antenna, constantly downloading all types of 'apps'. To evolve onto a higher frequency, one must learn to decipher between what comes in and what goes out, and therefore must practice as he breathes steadily
1- To close his eyes. And, he shall see
2- To close his mouth. And, he shall hear.
3- To open his heart, And The Light of the infinite divine shall always accompany him. 
Now, they shall be one for Eternity. &
C life through a spiritual I

Love & Light Always, Ilanit.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Message #54 09/2018

Bonjour Friends,

The nature of this physical world is fast, busy and chaotic. When looking for peace of mind, one mustn't focus on trying to control the external reality but to connect to the source of infinity within. &
C life through a spiritual I

Love & light Always, Ilanit.

Message #53 09/2018

Bonjour Friends,

Are you the type of soul, often overlooked by others although constantly concerned to do the kind and thoughtful things by them? 
If you choose to share with someone, do it because it makes you happy & don't have expectations!
You might not always sit at the people's table but know that you are earning a first class seat at the divine's one. &
C life through a spiritual I

Love 7 Light Always, Ilanit.

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Message #52

Bonjour Friends,

Many spiritual individual, still struggle internally with being challenged. Why do they experience 'negative encounters' with all the good and effort they put forward?
When we truly understand the analogy for life being a game, then we can recognize and appreciate that each challenge/challenger is an opportunity to get closer to our higher self. Let's remind each other this sometime difficult truth and let's win this! &
C life through a spiritual I

Love & Light Always, Ilanit.

Message #51 09/2018

Bonjour Friends,

If you are a soul eager to share your light, to reconnect others with "The Light", chances are, you will attract from time to time, individuals who on the surface seem to be perfect recipients for it, but soon will turn out to be living in a loop, stuck in their ways.
Be aware! 'Our light' is something borrowed from the source, which need to be use with a great sense of responsibility.
Pray for those who aren't ready to take advantage of the help send their way to change, and keep on walking! &
C life through a spiritual I

Love & Light Always, Ilanit.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Message #50 09/2018

Bonjour Friends,

Remember to always ask yourself this questions: "Who Is it for?"/ Who does it benefit?(as much while doing a good deeds or any other action!) It will bring you instantly to a state of mindfulness and humility, so necessary to tap into our higher self and divine purpose of channel Light. &
C life through a spiritual I

Love & Light Always, Ilanit.

Message #49 09/2018

Bonjour Friends,

Have you ever walked into a new place, without making any prior 'reservation,' knowing that you have been blessed by the best experience possible (far better than if you had planned it!)
What does it tell you about the nature of The Universe?...
...Plan when you need to, and let go! Trust that even if there is some occasional tricks & delays,if you focus on sharing and caring,this boomerang will always come back around and take care of you! &
C life through a spiritual I .

Love & Light Always, Ilanit.

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Message #48 08/2018

Bonjour Friends,

Why, so very often, when one feels hurt, (either because something happened or on the contrary did not), does he end up stuck there for the longest time?
The negative voice within has the loudest most convincing speech, very difficult to actually escape if we don't train our bright side. In that case, it will convince us that forgiving is the same as forgetting (which, in our subconscious mind, is as accepting being wronged)
Don't believe it! 
Moving Forward is actually the best avengment you can play against any (internal & external) of your opponents! &
C life through a spiritual I

Love & Light Always, Ilanit.

Message #47 8/2018

Bonjour Friends,

Our subconscious mind, will often make us believe that getting ' The carrot or the stick" is directly connected to us being 'good or bad' (which is an enduring false belief one will repetitively needs to overcome).
However, we have learned that both are part of ONE master plan, and will alternate in our journey to get us closer to our higher self, depending on what we need at the time.
So, whether we go through an easy or a hard day, let's remember that we are always loved! &
C life through a spiritual I

Love  & Light Always, Ilanit.