Bonjour Friends
A few months ago, while driving my daughters to school, 'my oldest' opened up about her feelings of frustration regarding some events.
Eventually, as she started to cry, she let out one of those 'notorious' sentences one may say in such moment or ;"Why does this keep happening to me?"
Before saying anything, I paused and first took the time to acknowledge her feelings, (which, we should always do before jumping into 'it' and too quickly advise anyone) reinsuring her on how special and loved she is!
Now, even though, she understood and agreed, that aside from 'the lesson to learn', such feelings alone are the produce of 'The opponent voice', the reality hit me! "What did she say, that we didn't say or feel before!?"
At that moment, I was reminded indeed, how our reactive mental is easily prone to forget that "Challenges are Opportunities", and most importantly that 'The Light force of the Creator' is involve in every single one of those situations, with one and only desire:"To help us receive Endless Fulfillment!"
Truth is, even when involve in a spiritual journey for the sake of connection and transformation, much time and effort will be needed to completely overcome 'The dark force within', hammering days and nights negative messages in our head, such as:
"This happened to you because... deserve it. pay the price, for previous mistake. are curse are the target of negative energies, people, and so on.
Dear friends, now that the buzz of the holidays is wearing off, (if it hadn't completely faded yet), it is the perfect time to share a message for this new year 2015.
It has been weeks, since I was asked to share the consciousness we should make sure to hang onto this year, (nothing that haven't been revealed or said before of course),and which is to (re)commit ourselves daily to our spiritual connection with "The Light", with a diligent effort for appreciation.
Though, it's easy to forget it during our darkest time, we must remember that"The Light' only wants to give us All, and, therefore use appreciation as a tool to expand our own capacity to receive it, (without having to go through the most difficult challenges sent to awaken our consciousness)
As we were taught: 'Appreciation', should be a daily practice, since it is the absolute requirement to a life filled with even more blessings.
Furthermore, in this year 2015 (Numerology of 8 for manifestation )
Let's consecrate each day: A Time; A Space; A Word and An Action to see and share some 'Good',
So, one day, soon, we will finally be 'Whole' again!
Love & Light Always, Ilanit.